Well-being Spell


Well-being Spell


The Well-being Spell takes into consideration all levels or planes that our entities operate at.  It there is a disturbance in our mind, body or soul, this spell will work with voodoo magic and the universal Law of Harmony to bring you health and well-being that you desire and deserve.

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Too often, we are bombarded with problems and issues that expand from family and relationship problems to being struck with illness or the inability to continue with our daily life routines.  Perhaps you are depressed, feeling hopeless, or that there is a sense of doom that you just cannot shake.  The Well-being Spell enters the entire entity of your being to find the root causes of our decreased well-being and works to remove any elements that are preventing you from achieving optimal health and comfort in your soul.

When the negative elements in your body, mind, and soul are found and replaced with positive items such as hope, peace, and relief, the Law of Harmony then enters the process to begin tuning your being in with the harmonic values of the universe.  Not only does this give you the well-being and optimal functioning that you deserve, but you will be in the same vibration as the universal law;  like a ripple effect, the changes that begin to manifest in you will be contagious and will influence those around you.

The Well-being Spell is designed with your benefit and best interest in mind as it is your birthright to have, and maintain, a sense of harmony and wellness in your life. The spell happily, and relentlessly, works to manifest good health and positive, harmonious vibrations throughout your being that are fine-tuned to the universe.  No longer victimized by problems, stress, and poor health, this spell considers all the things you need to achieve balance and harmony in your life and future.

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Additional information

Potency Level

Standard Cast $170, Power Cast $299


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